What could be better than a vacuum cleaner that could take care of your spilled tea on the carpet or pick up all the snacks that your child dropped there? Absolutely nothing. The wet-dry vacuum cleaner, as the name indicates, helps clean up all sorts of spillage and dirt.
Wet-dry vacuum cleaners are not limited by floor surfaces and perform an excellent cleaning job on carpets and hardwood alike. This vacuum is contains two kinds of filters and has a powerful suction that could not be found in any other kind. The wet-dry vacuum also contains two kinds of buckets for each kind of dirt.
Most of the first-timers or even the ones who have been using this vacuum for quite some time are unaware of its uses. Let’s explore some of the best uses by that wet-dry vacuum has in store for us:
1. Cleaning the carpet:
Getting the carpet cleaned is not an easy task, at least not without a carpet cleaner, but your wet-dry vacuum cleaner can easily help you with the task. Just apply the detergent and get to cleaning. You’ll be surprised to find your carpet squeaky clean and short of all sorts of stains, dirt, and molds.
2. Wipe the snow:
Slipping on your way to your car is not an ideal way to start your morning, neither is standing for hours clearing the snow piled up the front of your house. With the blowing air feature of Wet-dry vacuum, you can deal with snow within minutes and without breaking your back.
3. Sinks and baths:
Sick of the overflowing drainage system under the sinks and baths? Then change the setting to blow and get rid of it within minutes.
4. Water disasters:
Life is incomplete without witnessing at least one–or more–water disasters in your home. Wet-dry vacuum cleaners can deal with all sorts of water spillage and not only save you time and effort but also help save all your furniture which is at risk of getting spoiled due to water damage.
5. Water mattresses and portable pools:
It is difficult to empty your water mattress and portable pool without having some sort of disaster; bet it never occurred to you to actually use the wet-dry vacuum to get rid of all that water within minutes.
6. The fireplace:
Don’t know how to clean all those nook and corners of the fireplace and get rid of the soot? Wet-dry vacuum is possibly the best cleaning agent for that. Its powerful suction cleans up small bits of woods, ashes and the accumulated dust without any sweating.
7. Spillage:
Only sudden spills can drive us to utter the worst profanities we could manage, but wet-dry vacuum seems to be an answer to that too as it can clean up any kind or spillage whether liquid or solid within seconds without any chaos whatsoever.
If you use your wet-dry vacuum cleaner with care and abide by all the instructions in the manual then it will surely go a long way in keeping your house stain-free, and your back pain-free.